The Frost Came


The frost came to Edinburgh. I took Jethro to the library and we crispy-crunched slippy-slid our way along the pavements. I spotted this frosted autumn leaf in a frosty shrubbery.

Took a snap. Didn’t quite come out the way I hoped and the other pics, illustrating the expanse of frostiness across the shrubbery, just looked terrible.

Still we have a frozen leaf in the shade. Cold and sombre-looking, with some vaguely cheerful berries spotting the image.

Winter is coming. I wonder what the snow will be like.

The Leaf Family

A most curious family I met on my travels around Edinburgh. Falling all about most of the time, they managed to gather themselves up for a few photographs.

Mr Leaf
Baby Leaf

Costa: 100% Rainforest

Costa coffee cups made from 100% Rainforest

Well not really. 100% Rainforest Alliance Approved or something like that, but it all comes down to perspective doesn’t it?

Also — what’s with the fake wooden slats on the table? You can’t really see from the photo, but the wooden slats on the table are actually stickers. It’s a solid table surface made to look as if it is made from wooden slats, optical illusion style. Except when I look down through the slats, I don’t see my legs under the table so it isn’t very convincing.