Hey Thabo!

Read this from AFP:

But experts in South Africa said the run-off election with Mugabe the sole candidate may already be in violation of the country’s laws.

“If we follow the Zimbabwe Electoral Act, legally, Morgan Tsvangirai is the winner, the regime having failed to organise a rerun within 21 days after the election result was released,” said Ross Herbert of the South African Institute of International Affairs.

“This Friday’s rerun is clearly outside the law and so, its outcome will be illegitimate,” the researcher at the Johannesburg-based institute told AFP.

Of course, Bob breaking his own country’s laws is probably not a problem for you, since you’ve just renewed Jackie Selebi’s contract as Commissioner of Police.

Both characters must be innocent until proven guilty.

Zuma implies he is some, as yet to be determined, fraction guilty

Jacob Zuma has declared that he’s not even half guilty of corruption charges levelled against him. Interesting that he doesn’t just say he’s innocent.

So how guilty are you JZ? A quarter? An eighth? Perhaps a third?

When the court finds one three sixteenths guilty, does one serve a pro rata sentence?

Times are tough in Zim

Following on from yesterday’s post, I thought I’d have a look at the balanced reporting of Zimbabwe’s Herald. I was a little surprised to find that they have a web-presence, considering the state of things in that country at the moment, but I suppose Mugabe makes certain that his mouth-piece is as widely heard as possible.

However, even the Herald doesn’t pretend that anyone is having any fun in Zimbabwe.

The gun is mightier than the pen

It appears that Mugabe has given up all pretenses of running a fair election, saying “We are not going to give up our country because of a mere X. How can a ballpoint pen fight with a gun?

I suppose he has a point. Perhaps it depends on the ballpoint pen to gun ratio?

After this announcement, I’ll be completely mortified if any dumbass South African politician asserts that the elections can still be free and fair (as if the intimidation and violence so far wasn’t enough).

Geriatric Garden Services

This weekend Geriatric Garden Services mowed our lawn, trimmed our edges, weeded our flower-beds, pruned our branches, and repotted our plants.

I highly recommend their services, and all they require in remuneration is room and board.

Funny how GGS have never offered their services prior to the production of a grandchild.