Crazy Hat Photography Failed Endeavour

It maybe of interest to regular Waffle Group readers what I was originally trying to do with Crazy Hat (which has something up, by the way).

I wouldn't pay £45 either

My marketing effort didn’t yield great results, but to be honest my heart just wasn’t in it.

The source image is decent though. It ought to be because I bought a sod-off expensive fast lens to take the picture.

The source image with better colour correction

Crazy Hat continues to evolve. I mentioned before that Crazy Hat would involve photography. That’s been scratched as I whittled it down to something more focused. The photos are staying here on Waffle Group.

I settled on Environment, Society, and Technology. Three interlinked concepts, in my view, but Serious Topics under a Crazy Hat.

But I also want to write Crazy Reviews and do Crazy Experiments and be generally Crazy. It’s not going to mix too well.

Another persona is required—Serious Writing Neil. Serious Writing Neil is the one most likely to pay the bills. Not to say that Crazy Hat Neil can’t, he’s just going to struggle more.

Ah bugger. I feel like I have a multiple personality disorder.


Former colleagues in their workplaces

And so all of my colleagues from Umhlaba make an appearance on Waffle Group. Their physical condition on the last day of work immortalised forever on the internetwebtubes.

It was great working with you guys. May you never again have to deal with Social and Labour Plans.

Ntseketsi. Super cheerful
Lynn. Not loving the camera
Gladys. Close up.
Andrew. Uncharacteristically serious.
Preesha. Concentrating