Crazy Hat Photography Failed Endeavour

It maybe of interest to regular Waffle Group readers what I was originally trying to do with Crazy Hat (which has something up, by the way).

I wouldn't pay £45 either

My marketing effort didn’t yield great results, but to be honest my heart just wasn’t in it.

The source image is decent though. It ought to be because I bought a sod-off expensive fast lens to take the picture.

The source image with better colour correction

Crazy Hat continues to evolve. I mentioned before that Crazy Hat would involve photography. That’s been scratched as I whittled it down to something more focused. The photos are staying here on Waffle Group.

I settled on Environment, Society, and Technology. Three interlinked concepts, in my view, but Serious Topics under a Crazy Hat.

But I also want to write Crazy Reviews and do Crazy Experiments and be generally Crazy. It’s not going to mix too well.

Another persona is required—Serious Writing Neil. Serious Writing Neil is the one most likely to pay the bills. Not to say that Crazy Hat Neil can’t, he’s just going to struggle more.

Ah bugger. I feel like I have a multiple personality disorder.


The Long-Awaited Photos of Jethro

I’ve got over my previous distress regarding my soggy house. It’s still going to be expensive to fix, but I’m probably in denial about it all so I feel just fine.

Thus calmed, I felt inspired to get some of those photos of my spawn out there for you to see.

Go fetch!

Jethro Montage – October and November 2008

I have considered whether to post these pics up on Paternity Ward, but things appear to be at a standstill that side. At least we have a trickle of syrup flowing over here at Waffle Group, although it is cold, viscous syrup.

Fashionista — Part 2

Click for Part 1

At long last, some of the follow up photos that we didn’t have time to shoot on the first set. Grant is supposed to be giving me a copy of his magazine that he put together, and I’ll check whether he minds me posting some of the photo-shopped versions of the photos I took.


There has been much talk of how quiet things here on Waffle Group, and associated blogs, have become lately. There has also been much talk about how, earlier this year, I claimed that I would embarking on some manner of project. The Photography Project was chosen (with the help of Waffle Group voters), and people have questioned my resolve to pursue it.

“You’ve been very quiet on Deviant Art,” they say. “No photos getting posted there,” they say.

I have been putting a few pictures of my new infant up on the internet, but presumably this isn’t interpreted to be pursuing the photography project. Arguably, I’m just taking snapshots. But I don’t feel like arguing right now. Instead I’ll get to the point.

On Saturday Roman and Grant had me over to their house and put me to work taking photographs for Grant’s fashion-school design project thingamajig. Grant’s artistic vision. My camera shutter-release. Thus I’m not responsible for the morbid obsession with all things black and gloomy, dark and doomy.

There are a bunch more photos than those shown in the gallery below (although the spectrum of colours available to the human eye is not better represented in those ones either), but those are the ones I liked best. Grant will be performing mysterious and arcane photoshop machinations to the photos I gave him. I’m keen to see what he does with the “stock” I provided to him. Hopefully, he’ll let me post some of the final product here. Not sure whether the fashion school attempts to appropriate copyright on the magazine Grant will be submitting.

But that’s not all. A photoshoot turns out to actually be work, and we underestimated how long things would take. Expect more photos in a couple of weeks time after I finish the last 4 shoots (Grant promises that the rest of the items will have less of an emphasis on black).

p.s. The Photo Nazis didn’t like my silly buggers photo that I called “Mad Cobbler” in that submission.

p.p.s. Why nothing posted on Deviant Art? More people, who actually know me, read this. I’m not that interested in other people because they are outside my Monkey Sphere.

Update: I’ve changed my mind about the p.p.s. Yes yes. Fickle Waffle Master. dA versions are Claustrophic Fear, Mary, and Mad Cobbler.